Unlimited CDL Drivers - Packages

Automated CDL Driver Magnet

Our clients have a constant flow of CDL Drivers by getting applications every day through our targeted Facebook & Instagram ads.

You just need to send us your job offering and its requirements so we can target the right drivers for the job position at your company.

$10 a day is a minimum requirement which is paid directly to Facebook for the ads. Our clients spend $40/day on average depending on how many drivers they want to get.

For over 10 years we’ve been working with 150+ trucking companies helping them get Targeted & Qualified CDL Drivers to apply specifically for the job position at their company.

Driver-attracting Images & Videos

You get personalized content for your Facebook and Instagram ads created by us. 

Knowing the psychology of CDL Drivers & Facebook Ads, we create irresistible graphics that will capture your future drivers’ attention and reduce the cost per driver application.

We create Images & Videos that will attract CDL drivers specifically for the job position at your company.

Visually appealing designs not only make advertisements and recruitment materials stand out but also convey professionalism and credibility.

Social Media Management & Branding

Knowing how much good graphics is essential for grabbing attention, you also get 3 brandable Images & 3 brandable Videos created & posted on your social media.

It’s very important to mention that these Brandable Images & Videos are also made to grab CDL Drivers’ attention.

Your brand will be in constant touch with your current audience on your social media, and in addition, attract new followers.

Having a unique brand can attract drivers and encourage them to apply for jobs, leading to more applications from qualified CDL drivers.

Advanced AI Marketing

You have to be up-to-date with the newest trends if you want to stay competitive in the market. 

Following that, we regularly use AI to get feedback and make our ads even more effective.

In addition, we use additional AI targeting to get the most qualified drivers based on your requirements.  


We are always here for you

At Transport Geniuses, we understand how important expedited support is.

We are not like any other company, our team is always here to help. If you have any questions or need assistance, we’re always available to you via phone or email.



per month

Lead Generation

Personalized content for the ads

Advanced AI Marketing

Improved laser-target qualified drivers

Phone and email support (Mon-Fri)

* Tax & other services included.




per month

Lead Generation

Personalized content for the ads

Advanced AI Marketing

Improved laser-target qualified drivers

3 Driver-Attracting Videos

3 Driver-Attracting Images

Social Media Management & Branding

Phone and email support (Mon-Fri)

* Tax & other services included.

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